Texas Real Estate State Practice Exam 2024 - Free Real Estate License Practice Questions and Study Guide

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What is the legal description of land that always has a point of beginning that is also the end?

Lot, Block, and Subdivision


Metes and Bounds

The legal description of land that always has a point of beginning that is also the end is known as Metes and Bounds. This method of land description utilizes specific measurements and directions to outline the boundaries of a parcel of land, starting at a defined point of beginning and eventually returning to that same point. This is crucial because it creates a closed loop that precisely defines the property’s boundaries. Metes refers to the measurement of distance, often using feet, while bounds refer to the physical features or landmarks that define the property's limits. This method is particularly useful for irregularly shaped parcels of land, providing flexibility in describing various properties. Other methods of legal description, such as Lot, Block, and Subdivision, rely on recorded maps and are more suitable for subdivisions, while Rectangular or Government Survey is based on a grid system for large areas of land. Monuments can assist in establishing boundaries but do not inherently provide a complete and self-referencing description as Metes and Bounds does.

Rectangular/ Government Survey


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